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Welcome to "Talking Business with Dr. Sandra," a podcast where Dr. Sandra Palmer shares her extensive business and consulting experience to help you elevate your business journey every Saturday. In this episode, Dr. Sandra discusses the evolution of job satisfaction and the current emphasis on inspired employees. Dr. Sandra emphasizes that, despite technological advancements, a business won't thrive without the right people and their emotional commitment. Inspired employees provide a litmus test for true commitment, going beyond expectations, and resulting in heightened productivity, improved customer experiences, and increased retention rates. Drawing on last week's discussion on organizational culture, Dr. Sandra defines employees as the core of any business. She introduces the concept of inspired employees as the pinnacle of engagement, emphasizing the need for meaning and purpose in their work. Dr. Sandra suggests practical steps such as transparent communication, a positive company culture, and recognition beyond monetary compensation to achieve employee engagement. She encourages businesses to prioritize employee engagement and seek personalized guidance from Above or Beyond Management and Business Consulting.